Friday, September 30, 2016

Is a Live Action Lion King a Good Idea??

Image result for lion
Okay, so lately Disney has been remaking their classics like Jungle Book, Cinderella, and the upcoming Beauty and The Beast into live action installments. I thought Cinderella was great, but I had several problems with live action installment of The Jungle Book. But that is a blog post for another day. I don´t personally think a live action Lion King is a good idea. There is absolutely no way it could be as good as the old one. I really hope they use all the same actors possible. (Editors Note: This can't happen, some of the actors are no longer living)
If not that, the ONE thing that I ask for, is this: ¨What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?!¨ *dresses in drag and does the hula*

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Sue Richards Conspiracy

Click-baity title confirmed (Dun nuh nuh nuh Whoo Hee Whoo Hee Hee Whoo)

Jokes aside, today I wanna talk about something that I noticed while reading Fantastic Four #312, which was published in 19-hatey-8. I don't have to put a spoiler alert thought, because this post has absolutely nothing to do with the plot.  It has to do with  the forum at the back of the book,or as Ralph Macchio cleverly called it, the 'Fantastic Forum.'  As I was reading the letters in the back, I noticed a trend. Let me type out a few out examples:
Image result for Fantastic Four #312"... Crystal is far and away more powerful than the conceited Sue Storm Richards.  I have long waited for Mrs. Richards to be put in her place and hope that this time Crystal replaces the Invisible Woman for good!  You simply can not justify Sue remaining on the team."
"... Sharon is a neat gal and I hope she stays, falls in love with Ben, Marries him, and then replaces Susan as a permanent member of the FF.  Susan is out!!   Susan is no longer needed by the team!  Face it my forum writers and creators, with a powerful Sharon around, who need an Invisible Woman any longer?"
"Sue Storm Richards has been a conceited snob for almost three decades.  Please find some way to teach here a much needed lesson.  My first proposal is to right a story where Psycho-Man gets his revenge and kills Sue!..."
 And that just a fraction of the hate towards the Invisible Woman.  So what do you think?  Would you like it if the Invisible Woman had been replaced by Crystal or Sharon?

Monday, August 22, 2016

On the Subject of Bat-Branding

Image result for batman symbolSo. Today I have to write a rather quick blog post, but I hope you enjoy anyway. So, today would like to discuss a passion of mine, Bat-Branding. Why is it that Batman feels the need to put a bat symbol on everything?
Flashdrive, Vehicles, his platform in his SECRETS BASE. It's rediculous. I can picture Bruce walking into Best Buy, buying flash drives en masse, then drawing a bat on every single one.
One thing I wonder is, does Bat-cow have a Bat symbol branded onto him? Does Titus' collar have bat-dog tags?
I think Bruce has a problem. Even his companions are Bat themed (aside from Robin) Batgirl, Batwing, Black Bat, I mwan seriously. He takes it to far. See you next week!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Top 8 Funniest Sherlock Quotes (In no particular order)

1. "Anderson, don't talk. You lower the IQ of the whole street." -Sherlock Holmes

2. "We solve crimes. I blog about it. He forgets his pants. I wouldn't hold out too much hope." -John Watson
3. "A nice murder, that'll cheer you up." Mrs. Hudson

4. "Four serial suicides and now a note. It's Christmas!" -Sherlock Holmes

5. "I'm in shock. Look-I've got a blanket." Sherlock Holmes

6. “Shut up everybody, shut up! Don’t move, don’t speak, don’t breathe, I’m trying to think. Anderson, face the other way, you’re putting me off”-Sherlock Holmes
7. Mrs. Hudson took my skull." -Sherlock Holmes

8. "Are you wearing any pants?"
   "Okay." -John Watson and Sherlock Holmes

Sorry for the late/short post, but I've been busy with school and stuff. See you next week!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Everything Right About Kenan Kong as Super-Man!

First off, I just want to apologize for nobody posting during the majority of the Summer. We were all super busy, so we thought it best to take a hiatus. But with school starting today, that ends and we'll be pumping out content on our regular schedule. Thanks for being patient with us and we hope you enjoy :)
Image result for kenan kong
So I kow it may be a bit early to be doing this, but after reading The New Superman #1 and instantly loving Kenan Kong, I knew I had to do a post on him. So, that outta the way, here is Everything Right About Kenan Kong as Super-Man:
1. He's a jerk, and not in a good way. He not a Tony Stark type jerk, no no no, he's a straight up bully, and I love it. He goes against not only common Superman cliches, but also common Superhero tropes. New Superman #1 opens with Kenan beating a kid up for for his lunch. Then, when he gets his powers, he doesn't say thank you, he leaves. I love it.
2. He doesn't belive in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. This kinda goes with the first point, but aaayyyy, it's not like your the list police. Anyway, those famous Superman ideals? Super-Man could care less. Truth? Forget it. Justice? "Gimme your lunch!" The American Way? He's Chinese!
3. He's Chinese, and he's Super-Man and that's awesome. He's the best example of diversity I've seen from DC in a long time. Sure we have some black charecters, but asian? Not as frequent. He's not even overly stereotyped (Vibe). And I think that's cool.
And that's why, after only 1 issue, I love Super-Man. Make sure to look out for Kris's post on Wednesday, and I'll see you next week.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Theory Time!

Sorry, but I don't have a Top 10 list today, either. I came up with this theory a few days ago and couldn't wait to share it. So I was looking at Pinterest, and I saw found this:

This picture is of Hawkeye, conversing with a child in a Hulk costume. Hawkeye says he has his hearing aids out, and we can't read or "hear" what the kid is saying. So I started thinking. What if we experience comics like the protagonist wants us to, or how they experience it.

One of my supporting reasons is Batman, or more specifically Gotham. A video by NerdSync (I'll put a link below) theorizes that Gotham isn't as bad as us as the readers thinks. We mostly see the bad things that happen in Gotham, because who would read a comic if a lot of it just showed normal life? My spin on this theory is that Batman not only mainly interacts with the low lives of Gotham, but Batman obviously has a dark state of mind. So what if we see Gotham how Batman sees it?

My next point is about Deadpool. Deadpool obviously has brain damage. His comics are almost always the wackiest and strange. What if a lot of what we read in the comics just happens in his head?

I consider this picture to be proof. 372,844 pancakes is a lot of pancakes. I did some research, and it takes about three minutes to cook each side of a pancake. So I punch those digits into a calculator, and it would have taken him about 1553.5 DAYS to make those pancakes. That's about 4.2 years. And that's doing it nonstop, with absolutely no time in between pancakes.

This is probably not factual, but I will say that maybe the writers make Deadpool, Batman and other comics like this just because it's fiction and they can do whatever they want, but most theories are seldom confirmed. Tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading!

NerdSync's Video:

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

13 facts you didnt know about Supernatural

Everyone loves Supernatural, the popular TV show about the two Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, who were raised by their father, John, to hunt and kill the "unnatural" after his wife, Mary, was murdered by the yellow eyed demon when the boys were kids. 22 years later the brothers set out on a journey to find their recently missing father who, when they finally meet up with, reveals he knows what killed their mother, a demon, and has found a way to track and kill it. Meanwhile, Sam starts to develop abilities. Death visions, visions of people dying before it actually happens. These visions are somehow connected to the yellow eyed demon who murdered his mother and its mysterious plans that seem to be all about Sam. When their father dies striking a deal with the very same devil that had killed his wife, the brothers, now alone and without their mentor, are determined to finish the crusade their father started. But disturbing revelations about Sam's part in the demon's apocalyptic plans are presented when John's dying last words to Dean are revealed. Here are 13 facts you may have missed.
  1. John's dog tags read "Winchester, John, 306-00-3594, Type AB, Non-religious"
  2. The first thing we see the Colt kill is a vampire, season 1's episode, Dead Mans Blood.
  3. Dean Winchesters birthday is January 24, 1979.
  4. Sam Winchesters birthday is May 2, 1983.
  5. Dean has had children, he had a daughter in season 7, "The Splice Girls" and there is the slim possibility that Ben is his.
  6. Dean drives a black 1967 Chevy Impala.
  7. Deans favorite food is hamburgers from the Seaside Shack in Delaware.
  8. Castiel's vessel is named Jimmy Novak.
  9. Kevin Tran is a prophet and the only one who can translate the angel and demon tablet.
  10. Fire is the only thing that can kill a Wendigo.
  11. The only way to kill a leviathan is to cut off its head.
  12. Sam is horrified of clowns. He has been since he was little.
  13. Early on in the series, Deans phone number was given, for awhile, the studio had it set up so that if you called the number, you would hear a voice recording of Jensen Ackles (Dean) saying "This is Dean Winchester. If this is an emergency, leave a message. If you are calling about 11-2-83, page me with your coordinates." The full number was 1-866-907-3235.  
Thanks again for reading! I'm sorry for posting so late, family emergency. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you haven't watched Supernatural, you should try it. Also if this is Misha Collins, we all at Geekagogue love you, good sir (me the most). Check back in next Wednesday for another post!

Monday, June 27, 2016

More Than One Joker?!?

Yes, you read that right, DC just dropped a HUGE bombshell in Justice League #50 and DC Universe Rebirth #1.  Okay, so it might not be AS huge of a bombshell as Cap being a Hydra agent (I call dibs Arthur), but it's still a pretty massive event.  At the end of JL #42, Batman was able to sit down in the Mobius Chair, and gain access to its vast database of knowledge.  After sitting on his new chair (read throne), Batman asked a question we comic fans have been asking for years.  What's the Joker's real identity?  Well, the answer is complicated.  It turns out that there are three Joker's.  There's the original Joker that first appeared in Jerry Robinson's Batman #1, the much more dark and twisted version from Brian Bolland's The Killing Joke, and Scott Snyder's New 52 Joker.  This strange development leaves more questions than it answers, such as How on EARTH are there there Joker's?  How has Batman never realized this?  This is a guy who's more thorough than Iron Man, so how has he not that his biggest rival was actually three different men?  Well, the way I see it, there are two big possibilities.
#1 There aren't three Joker's, there are three aspect or personalities for the Joker that are what causes his change from a playful thief, to vicious killer, to obsessed psycho.  He sees his different personalities as different people, and that how the Mobius Chair see's him too.
Or #2 The three Joker's are all from different timelines, and all somehow ended up in the current timeline.  I honestly think this is the most likely, since DC is littered with stuff about time travel and alternate timelines and stuff like that.
That's all I really have to say about the Three Jokers and I'll see you again next Monday with my Top 10 Favourite Batman Villains (Don't worry, the Joker only gets one spot)!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Arthur, Jack of Few Trades, Master of Less

Hello! My name is Arthur. Well, that's not my real name. But anyway, as Acoustic Kitty stated in an earlier post, I'm doing mostly top 10 lists, among other things. Some lists you can expect to see in the future are Top 10 Alternate Versions of Spider-Man, Top 10 Batman Suits, Top 10 Movie Quotes, and a lot others like that. I would have a list for you today, but I experienced some technical difficulties with the website. I'll try to post every Friday from now on, instead of Saturday, so check in then. But make sure to check out the other authors posts too. See you then!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Thirteen Facts You Didnt Know About Doctor Who!

Everyone loves Doctor Who. So for my first official Geekagogue post, I thought I should discuss everyone's favorite gateway fandom. I hope you like it!
  1. In 2007, St. Paul's Church, Cardiff held a Doctor Who themed service to attract younger people. It worked!
  2. Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) joined a monastery at age 15. He left six years later.
  3. The words Dalek, T.A.R.D.I.S, and Whovian are all in the Oxford English Dictionary.
  4. Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who. Later used in the spin off Torchwood. (Watch it now!)
  5. Doctor Who is banned in China! So is any other time travel based show, the government officials don't want to promote anything to do with altering history.
  6. Asteroid 3325, found in 1984, was named T.A.R.D.I.S after Doctor Who's T.A.R.D.I.S! 
  7. Doctor Who employed BBC's first female producer, Verity Lambert.
  8. The Eighth Doctor starred in only one feature length episode.
  9. The T.A.R.D.I.S sound was originally made by rubbing a key along the bass strings of a piano and playing the sound backwards!
  10. Around his moonwalking phase, Michael Jackson was almost the Doctor! Luckily it didn't work out.
  11. The BBC owns the copyright to the design of the T.A.R.D.I.S, instead of the Metropolitan Police.
  12. Doctor Who was originally going to be an educational show, when in the future, they would teach about science, and history in the past! 
  13. J.K. Rowling was asked to write a Christmas special for Doctor Who, but declined.
That's all for now, thanks for reading, I hope you liked it! Come back next week for my next post, don't forget to tell your friends and family about Geekagogue!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Welcome to All New, All Different Geekagogue!

Hey, hey, hey how's it going? As you might of notice, we're on a new blog! I'm so excited for a fresh start for Geekagogue! From now on were gonna bring you not only more content but improved content! We've done several things to ensure that this blog is a significant improvement to the last one, the most important is the addition of a post schedule!
I'll be posting Monday's, Kris will be posting on Wednesday's, and Arthur'll end out our week on Friday.
I look forward to seeing how this All New, All Different Geekagogue works out, and I see you on Monday.