Monday, October 9, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Premier: My Thoughts | October Writeathon 9/31

sparating herself from her friends and job, grief, shes consumed by her grief. Guardina doing a better job on a fundemental. QUITS HER JOB. Dumb instant change

DEO Part Two

General Lane hinted a return, exposition about what was stolen. Makes sense in contact, overreliance on Supergirl in DEO

Edge Meeting

More jerkishness, working with bloodsport.

Her house is empty, devoid of life, great set design, as it represents the lack of time she has to make it feel homely. She tells Alex she qit. Waste of time? "Cat moved on why can't I?" Alex vents, it's dope.

"I am not a human" "Cara Danvers was a mistake"

Water front

Cara saves people too, good MM moment, developing one of the better ccharecters. Mon-El was aorund for ONE SEASON COME ON

More Maggie and Alex

Dad can't walk me down the aisle. Sweet, terribly written and cheesy. FLIpPING NUKe FOR THe SECOND TIME WHAT ThE HECK. Name title is mcfricken good. Can't be tracked telepathically for... reasons. UNDERWATER NUKE IS AWESOME. Feels too... CW. Doesn't fit the tone the show has established. Panic at the wharf. HOW DOES SHE HAVE EARRINGS? Destructions, death, screaming woman is screaming. Can Kryptonians drown.

Lena and Kara and Edge

Frickin amazing.

Kara and Edge on the Ship

Sweet catharthis

Jonn and Alex



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