Monday, October 16, 2017

Voldemort's Soul and the Dursley's | October Writeathon 16/31

This year mark's the twentieth anniversary of the first publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, so today I want to discuss a fan theory that finally answers a question that the Harry Potter fandom has been trying to answer for two decades now... Why do the Dursley's hate Harry so much?
At first glance, this seems easy. The Dursey's hate magic, and the Potter's, so they would ate Harry, because he represents both. That, however, doesn't seem like the full answer. Even if they don't like him, they seem to have deep scorn for him that goes beyond that. We know from their treatment of Dudley that they aren't completely terrible, so what about Harry make them want to lock him under the stairs?
According to the theory, it's because they're being influenced by the piece of Voldemort's soul trapped inside Harry. As we know, Harry is a horcrux, and we can observe that when people are near horcrux's, their behavior is often drastically changed, often for the worse. We have at least two major example,one being Ginny when she had Tom's diary, and the other being the trio as the took turns wearing Slytherin's locket.
So if Harry is a Horcrux, shouldn't;t he have the same effect on people? Well, maybe he does. Maybe the chunk of Voldemort's soul inside of him is what causes the Dursley's to hate him. While this is an interesting theory, chances are it'll never be confirmed. So what do you think, is Voldemort's soul corrupting the Dursley's or are they just bad people? Answer down in the comments. I'll be posting again tomorrow, so until then, have a very fine day

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