Monday, August 22, 2016

On the Subject of Bat-Branding

Image result for batman symbolSo. Today I have to write a rather quick blog post, but I hope you enjoy anyway. So, today would like to discuss a passion of mine, Bat-Branding. Why is it that Batman feels the need to put a bat symbol on everything?
Flashdrive, Vehicles, his platform in his SECRETS BASE. It's rediculous. I can picture Bruce walking into Best Buy, buying flash drives en masse, then drawing a bat on every single one.
One thing I wonder is, does Bat-cow have a Bat symbol branded onto him? Does Titus' collar have bat-dog tags?
I think Bruce has a problem. Even his companions are Bat themed (aside from Robin) Batgirl, Batwing, Black Bat, I mwan seriously. He takes it to far. See you next week!

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