Friday, August 12, 2016

Everything Right About Kenan Kong as Super-Man!

First off, I just want to apologize for nobody posting during the majority of the Summer. We were all super busy, so we thought it best to take a hiatus. But with school starting today, that ends and we'll be pumping out content on our regular schedule. Thanks for being patient with us and we hope you enjoy :)
Image result for kenan kong
So I kow it may be a bit early to be doing this, but after reading The New Superman #1 and instantly loving Kenan Kong, I knew I had to do a post on him. So, that outta the way, here is Everything Right About Kenan Kong as Super-Man:
1. He's a jerk, and not in a good way. He not a Tony Stark type jerk, no no no, he's a straight up bully, and I love it. He goes against not only common Superman cliches, but also common Superhero tropes. New Superman #1 opens with Kenan beating a kid up for for his lunch. Then, when he gets his powers, he doesn't say thank you, he leaves. I love it.
2. He doesn't belive in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. This kinda goes with the first point, but aaayyyy, it's not like your the list police. Anyway, those famous Superman ideals? Super-Man could care less. Truth? Forget it. Justice? "Gimme your lunch!" The American Way? He's Chinese!
3. He's Chinese, and he's Super-Man and that's awesome. He's the best example of diversity I've seen from DC in a long time. Sure we have some black charecters, but asian? Not as frequent. He's not even overly stereotyped (Vibe). And I think that's cool.
And that's why, after only 1 issue, I love Super-Man. Make sure to look out for Kris's post on Wednesday, and I'll see you next week.

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