Monday, October 16, 2017

Voldemort's Soul and the Dursley's | October Writeathon 16/31

This year mark's the twentieth anniversary of the first publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, so today I want to discuss a fan theory that finally answers a question that the Harry Potter fandom has been trying to answer for two decades now... Why do the Dursley's hate Harry so much?
At first glance, this seems easy. The Dursey's hate magic, and the Potter's, so they would ate Harry, because he represents both. That, however, doesn't seem like the full answer. Even if they don't like him, they seem to have deep scorn for him that goes beyond that. We know from their treatment of Dudley that they aren't completely terrible, so what about Harry make them want to lock him under the stairs?
According to the theory, it's because they're being influenced by the piece of Voldemort's soul trapped inside Harry. As we know, Harry is a horcrux, and we can observe that when people are near horcrux's, their behavior is often drastically changed, often for the worse. We have at least two major example,one being Ginny when she had Tom's diary, and the other being the trio as the took turns wearing Slytherin's locket.
So if Harry is a Horcrux, shouldn't;t he have the same effect on people? Well, maybe he does. Maybe the chunk of Voldemort's soul inside of him is what causes the Dursley's to hate him. While this is an interesting theory, chances are it'll never be confirmed. So what do you think, is Voldemort's soul corrupting the Dursley's or are they just bad people? Answer down in the comments. I'll be posting again tomorrow, so until then, have a very fine day

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Flash Season 3: My Thoughts | October Writeathon 1/31

OOO that Iris version of the intro.
Iris get's to be GREAT AGAIN.
EVERYONE IS GOOD AGAIN, Peekaboo is back!!!, people excel without Barry, Cisco is legit super now.
Vibes powers+Confusing
Joes's sick gun, great action, I love it!!!

Team Kid Flash+Great
Iris equals smart

Julian is gone heck yeah

Emergancy happens near iris
How did she get to STAR so fast
I love wally speaking Japanese
everyone wants real Flash
CGI is iffy on the sword thing.
Non powered villian
Cisco is fun again.
Silver Samurai is dope and powerful.
References every genius and shows how they can cooperate.
intense feels in the star labs scenes.
They over exxagerate the power of the samurai

Powerful sound design!
Bringing back barry scene is GREAT
How did Iris sneak up on them?

Monday, October 9, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Premier: My Thoughts | October Writeathon 9/31

sparating herself from her friends and job, grief, shes consumed by her grief. Guardina doing a better job on a fundemental. QUITS HER JOB. Dumb instant change

DEO Part Two

General Lane hinted a return, exposition about what was stolen. Makes sense in contact, overreliance on Supergirl in DEO

Edge Meeting

More jerkishness, working with bloodsport.

Her house is empty, devoid of life, great set design, as it represents the lack of time she has to make it feel homely. She tells Alex she qit. Waste of time? "Cat moved on why can't I?" Alex vents, it's dope.

"I am not a human" "Cara Danvers was a mistake"

Water front

Cara saves people too, good MM moment, developing one of the better ccharecters. Mon-El was aorund for ONE SEASON COME ON

More Maggie and Alex

Dad can't walk me down the aisle. Sweet, terribly written and cheesy. FLIpPING NUKe FOR THe SECOND TIME WHAT ThE HECK. Name title is mcfricken good. Can't be tracked telepathically for... reasons. UNDERWATER NUKE IS AWESOME. Feels too... CW. Doesn't fit the tone the show has established. Panic at the wharf. HOW DOES SHE HAVE EARRINGS? Destructions, death, screaming woman is screaming. Can Kryptonians drown.

Lena and Kara and Edge

Frickin amazing.

Kara and Edge on the Ship

Sweet catharthis

Jonn and Alex



Sunday, October 8, 2017

Is It a Masterpiece: Doctor Strange | October Writeathon 8/31

Doctor Strange is, in my opinion, one of the best movies that Marvel has ever made. This movie is one thaat iwould hesitantly call a masterpiece, as it's incredible visual storytelling really sets it apart from a lot of movies, including most other Marvel movies. It immproves pon a lot of Marvel's recrring poblems, as well

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Something I Noticed In Mr. Peabody and Sherman | October Writeathon 7/31

I'm back! After a long break from Geekagogue working on my own blog, I'm finally back to writing for this blog. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Arthur, one of the co-creators of Geekagogue. For my homecoming post, I'd like to take a closer look at Mr. Peabody and Sherman, one of the best kids movies in recent times, in my opinion. Mr.Peabody and Sherman is a heartwarming movie about a genius dog (Mr. Peabody) that adopts a kid (Sherman) and builds a time machine in order to educate him.
After thinking about the movie for an embarrassing amount of time, I realized a small detail that many people probably overlooked. Oh yeah, look out for spoilers. 
Near the beginning of the movie, after Sherman inexplicably bit Penny, Penny and her parents come over to Mr. Peabody's apartment to have dinner. Penny manipulates Sherman into showing her the WABAC, the time machine that Mr. Peabody uses to teach Sherman. They end up in Egypt, in the time of King Tut. 
Cut back to Mr. Peabody, who's using his mad bartender skills to entertain Penny's parents. Sherman interrupts, and Peabuddy has to hypnotize her parents and go save her from being killed when King Tut dies. They then participate in the Trojan War, and Mr. Peabody supposedly dies. 
Sherman and Penny then both go back to moments before Sherman interrupted, to get Mr. Peabody again. 
This is what I noticed. The first Sherman shows up, trying to get Mr. Peabody to go to Egypt, while the second Sherman and Penny try to get him to go save the last Mr. Peabody, who supposedly died. But then the presumed dead Peabody shows up.Both versions of Mr. Peabody and Sherman bind together (quite literally) to save the world, but Penny never meets her past self. So that means a version of Penny was left to die in Egypt with her boyfriend, King Tut. Betcha won't hear the writers talking about that.

Thanks for reading, and if you know of any more plot discrepancies in a film I should cover, let me know in the comments. Arthur out.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

An Analisis of Fight Scenes Part 1 | October Writeathon 5/31

Spoiler Warning for
Yuri!!! on Ice

Fight scenes are an essential part of modern fiction, and are particularly effective when used in a visual medium. When used correctly, they're more than just action packed scenes of awe inspiring spectle. In fact, I believe that out of my three part analysis of fight scenes, the visuals are the least important. Over the next couple of days I'm going to go in depth on what makes a fight scene incredible using my three step analysis method. As an example for all of these, I'm gonna use a show you probably don't think of when you think of fight scenes, Yuri!!! on Ice. While the show is a sports anime, all of the same points apply, so I've decided to use it. Today we'll be discussing the most obvious and, in my opinion least important part, the combat itself.

While I believe that the fight it self is the least important part of a good fight scene, I do realize that it is important and can make or break a great of scene. The combat is a menagerie of different things blending together to create their own sort of masterpiece. I've divide it into several different oarts:

1. The Coreography
The most important part of the action is the coreography, how the characters move, and how the action flows across the screen. It's what glues your eyes to the screen during every fight, and if it's done correctly, it's a work of art in it's own right. Our example, Yuri!!! On Ice, is a prefect example of this, as it's elegant skating scenes are incredibly well coreographed, making it feel exciting while retaining elegance abd a good sense of movement.

2. The Cinematography
While the coreography is how the characters move around the scene, the equally important cinematography is how the camera moves around the character. This is another thing YoI does fantastically, as the characters glide around the arena, the camera seems to go with them. Cinematography can make a good scene great, and is responsible for some of the most breathtaking scenes in history.

3. The Animation
Yuri!!! on Ice is a beautifully animated show. Some of that probably stems from the fact that it's animation crew was easily the largest of the 2016 fall anime season, which was when it made it's debut. Each character was drawn by a different artist, giving every skating scene it's own unique feel, even if it was the exact same sequence. Overall, animation should be eye catch and smooth in combat, making the fight aesheticly pleasing.

4. The Music
The final, and probably least important part of the combat is the music. The music can help establish the tone of the fight and can add drama to it, but nobody remembers a scene because it's good music choice. It's just an extra detail to keep in mind.

The combat can be a very memorable part of many shows, but it becomes infinitely better when the fight has wieght. That's what we'll be discussing tomorrow, so make sure to come back then for part 2. Remember, have a very fine day.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The First Green Lantern | October Writeathon 4/31

The Green Lantern's are some of the most powerful being in the entirety of the DC Universe, but today I wanna spread the love for the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Alan diest get his immense power from the Guardians of the Universe, instead he uses a ring forged from the Starheart, a meteor composed of all the chaos magic in the universe.
The ring allows him, like normal lanterns, to create energy constructs, his however, are surrounded by a powerful green flame. He can project this flame as an energy blast, and it has enough heat that Hal Jordan was able to feel it through his force field. He is capable of easily taking out powerful Lantern like Half and Kyle Reiner. He is also able to maintain an entire construct city on the moon, inhabited by many of Earth magical creatures.
The ring makes him incredibly fast. In space he is able to travel at hyperspeed, and on Earth he can keep up with Speedsters like Liberty Bell and Jay Garrick, the original Flash. His reflexes are so fast that he managed to form a construct shield in the split second before a nuclear bomb killed him.
As time wears on in his Superhero career, Allen's body is slowly transformed until it's made of the Starhearts energy. This gave him a massive power boost and made him basically immortal. Mr. Terrific has said that Allen has the potential to destroy the entire solar system.
Allen Scott is completely under rated, and I hope we get to see him return in DC's rebirth. If you haven't seen him before, I highly recommend reading a comic with him in it  That's all for today, and remember, have a very fine day.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Giveaway Announcement | October Writeathon 3/31

Hey, today's Writeathon post is really just an announcement, sorry about that I have some very important news. From now until October 31, 2017, you can enter my big giveaway. The prize is two tickets to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, so go check out our Facebook page.
In other news, we have a new author joining the crew, Harlie. She's a very busy person, so she's only gonna post once every two weeks, but we're very excited to have her, so try and give her a worm welcome. That's all for today, sorry about the short announcement post, just wanted to keep you guys updated. Have a very fine day.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Is It a Masterpiece: Sherlock | October Writeathon 2/31

This post is dedicated to my friend and fellow blogger  Arthur. It's his birthday today, so make sure to go check out his blog, Bart's Not the Villain, I'm sure that would make his birthday even better.

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Sherlock is one of the most beloved shows to come out of the BBC in recent times. It's quickly grown a cult following, and it's understandable as it has a pretty engaging story, spectacular performances from both Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and a good production budget to back up it's ambitious story. It is not, however, without its flaws, so today I'm gonna ask myself, is Sherlock the masterpiece it's fans claim it to be, or is it over-hyped and undeserving of the massive praise it receives.

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This is where I think Sherlock excels. Sherlock has gorgeous visuals, due in large part to it's high production. The show does a fantastic job in helping the audience to visual thought. This is a difficult challenge, but the way they do it allows the user to learn snippets of Sherlock's thought process without us having the mystery spoiled. This is a lot better than the RDJ film which never gives you the info you need to solve the mystery. The lighting and sound design of the show is okay at best, but it's distinct style fit's it.
The Early Mysteries
The early episodes of Sherlock are, in my opinion, the best by far. They're simple, fun to follow mysteries, they do a good job of making the mystery solvable without being to obvious, and they best fit the spirit of the original novels. They work because they're not yet bogged down by a ridiculous amount of past continuity, much like the novels, which were mostly stand alone. I wish the series had been able to maintain this  level of quality.
Much of the shows characterization, especially early on, was fantastic. It did an amazing job of bringing these antiquated characters into the modern world, from John's PTSD to Sherlock's drug/mystery addiction. A few character's like Irene Adler suffered from bad characterization, but overall the character's a pretty well rounded, most of the time.
Image result for sherlock mary gun
In the original novels, Mary Watson is mentioned twice and is completely unimportant. In Sherlock she's a cool former ninja assassin. Her backstory is confusing and she's killed off far too soon, but she's still much better than her novel counterpart.

Wrapping up the good stuff, we have to get into the bad stuff, which, as I began to realize while righting this, is quite a lofty list. We better get into it.

Irene Adler
Image result for irene adler sherlock
A Scandal in Bohemia is one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes stories, so when they adapted it from the small screen I was super excited. Then I watched it. The original story is one of few times Sherlock loses, and is forced to humble himself a little. The Sherlock of the original is almost the bad guy, helping a king commit an injustice for money. In the end, he fails to solve the "crime" and is knocked down a peg. Irene (who is an opera singer, not a dominatrix) is shown as a strong, independent woman, which was rare for it's time. In the show she's a dominatrix essentially holding the government of England hostage, who can't help but fall in love with Sherlock. She loses her battle of wits, and Sherlock remains as arrogant as always. SHE's portrayed as the bad guy in the story, and basically everything good about the story is stripped away. It's a tragic waste of an amazing character.
Jim Moriarty
Image result for jim moriarty sherlock
Jim Moriarty is the man famous to novel fans for killing Sherlock Holmes. That's why many consider him Sherlock's greatest foe, in spite of the fact that he only appears in two stories. In Sherlock, he's terrible. He lacks clear motives, is inconstantly characterized, and they do the same "He's back!" fake out EVERY SPECIAL AFTER HIS DEATH. It's so irritating that they bring him back for every special, whether in flash back or stupid pre-recorded messages. I feel like I need to move on, so in summary, Jim Moriarty is a wasted character, which is a common problem in the show.
Mycroft Holmes
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Mycroft Holmes is not nearly as bad as Jim and Irene, but he does have his own set of problems. First off, he's too passive. In spite of "basically running the British government" (which doesn't really make sense) and having an intellect nearing Sherlock's own, he doesn't really do anything, other than bossing Sherlock around and helping him to get into places he normally couldn't. He also basically ruins the first episode, because the showrunners decided to shoehorn him into the middle. He's not a terrible character, but he's definitely not good.
All of Season 4
Sherlock has a secret sister who's obsessed with him. Sherlock has a secret best friend he remembers as a dog for some reason. Sherlock's sister is playing mind games on him for... reasons. Sound's like bad fanfiction? That's probably why it's so hated.
Mind Powers
At some point in the show, Sherlock's solutions to mysteries stop feeling like deductive reasoning and more like magic. He just seems to KNOW things, some of which we never learn how. It stops giving us a chance to figure things out on our own, which was something really appealing about the show. It makes the shows portrayal of thought less intriguing and engaging, which takes away from the great cinematography which is the shows strongest suit.
The Boomerang
Image result for sherlock boomerang
There is a mystery where a guy gets killed when his own boomerang flies back at him. Need I say more?
In it's last two seasons, Sherlock begins to become bogged down by too much continuity. It weighs the show down by forcing it to wrap up old ends that it leaves open, which serves to take away from the main point of the shows, which is the mysteries. It makes the show less engaging, and simply put, it doest work with the world and tone they set up in the first two seasons.
Over Production
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We've already hit upon Sherlock's large budget, but what happens when a show has TOO MUCH money and not enough to do with it? You end up with scenes like the wedding photo montage, which basically uses bullet time, a fantastic technique popularized by Lana and Lilly Wachowski, to make flower petals fall. It's one of many time's Sherlock is over produced do to it's large budget, and it's a stark contrast to the show's usual style.
Steven Moffat
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Steven Moffat is great at writing pilots. from that point, he should pass the baton to someone else, because past the pilot all of his shows slowly go downhill. It doesn't help the him, his wife, and his mother in law, are producers for Sherlock, which gives him almost total creative control. It leads to the continuity problems, as well as a lot of other things.

This post is getting long, so I'm gonna wrap it up, but there are many more things I could discuss, good and bad. I think though that we can conclude that Sherlock, while being a good show, especially early on, it is NOT the masterpiece it's portrayed as. If you disagree, feel free to comment down below with your evidence, and Arthur, I hope your birthday is very fine.