Friday, September 8, 2017

The Evolution of the Beast

Over the years Hank McCoy a.k.a. Beast has undergone many physical mutations. Sometimes its hard to remember all his transformations, So I've compiled a list of all of Beasts transformation's from Marvel's 616 continuity, so without further adue, let jump.

OG Beast
This is the form in which Hank McCoy first appeared. He was decidedly not blue, no furry, and there for not loved.  His costume is boring, his aesthetic as a whole is uninspired and his powers are lame. He looks like this because of his writer poor discernment his X-gene.

Better Beast
Image result for 70's beast marvel 
This is the Beast that we all love the most. He's blue, he's ferocious and he's wearing nothing but a speedo. He's more furrier and more powerful than before, and he has goofy hair to give him those good 70's vibes. He mutated because he drank a special serum to keep his work from getting stolen (don't ask)

Grumpy Cat Beast

This version of beast is much more recent. As you can see, he resembles a cat and has pants that look like they would be extremely uncompfortable. He's very intense, and occasionally wears glasses, which doesn't sense because cats have great eyesight. His mutation was explained as a "Sudden secondary mutation" which sounds okay on paper but when you think about it doesn't make sense. Was he predestined to have blue fur? Or if he didn't have the fur, would he have looked like a hairless cat? Explain!?


That's right, it gets weirder. This beast is confusing to me. He's huge, bigger than ever, but his head stayed the same size, giving him massive shoulder. He went back to the speedo and wears glasses again. His hair long cat fur is much shorter, and his ears look like they belong on an elf! Over all I really don't like this beast, and he mutated because of fan backlash, ironically generating even more.

Beast to the Future
That's right, OG Beast is back! His origin is weird (Beast pulled his younger self forward in time, probably causing Marvel: Flashpoint in the process) but his costume is slick. I have to say, honestly, this is my favorite Beast costume. It looks nice and avoids the stereotype that if your super strong you don't need a shirt.It's practical and really fits the character. I hope this Beast sticks around.

Dark Beast
Sound ominous doesn't it? While he's technically not from 616, he stayed there and masquerade as him for a while, so he counts.  He is, as you could probably guess, an evil counterpart to beast, and he hails from the Age of Apocalypse universe. His is rough around the edges ad great because of it.

And that concludes our list. Recently a new Beast form was revealed, but little to nothing is known about his, so we'll end this list here. Make sure to comeback next week for more great content, and post in the comments below who your favorite Beast is. For now, have a very fine day.

If you enjoyed this content, make sure to go check out my buddy Arthur's blog Bart is not the Villain, and my other blog Completing Catalyst. Ciao.

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