Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Crystal Gems Saved Lapis Lazuli

Image result for lapis mirror
So within Steven Universe, in many episodes that involve the character Lapis Lazuli, she talks about how horrible it was being trapped in a mirror for so long. She asks the Crystal Gems if they regret putting her there, and for the most part they really don't, and I think I know why. See, that gem saved Lapis, saved her from a fate worse than being trapped in a mirror, it saved her from corruption.
See, we know that all Gems not poofed or protected by Rose Quartz were corrupted. And we know that the corruption occured through a bright light in the sky, and what do we see at the end of Lapis' flash back after she was trapped in the mirror? The same light. Being in that mirror saved Lapis' life. If she wasn't in the mirror she would just be another corrupted gem for the Crystal Gems to bubble.
Well, that's all for now, sorry about the short post today, I'm currently on vacation. Until next week, have a very fine day.

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